We are going to look at chapters fifteen and sixteen together because they are two parts of one prophesy. We know that these two chapters focus on the coming destruction of Moab, but what do we know about Moab? To fully grasp the heart of what is happening here we need to step back and read the story behind the story.
"Moab was East of the Dead Sea. The Moabites were descendants of Lot through his incestuous relationship with his older daughter (Genesis 19:31-37). Moab had always been Israel's enemy. They oppressed Israel and invaded their land (Judges 3:12-14) fought against Saul (1 Samuel 14:47) and against David (2 Samuel 8:2, 11, 12) Moab would be punished for treating Israel harshly."
-Life Application Study Bible Notes on Isaiah 15From the first verse of chapter 15 we can tell that Moab is facing some of the most devastating destruction Isaiah has yet to prophesy. A whole town will be leveled and a city completely destroyed in one night. By the end of Chapter 16 Moab's fate is sealed, three years will see their total downfall.
After reading Moab's story it is easy to think that, 'Moab is getting what they deserved.' 'They messed with God's people and they're paying for it.' 'They were sinners, born of sin.' Let me humbly remind us of our own beginning. We were born of sin, we are sinners. We are God's people and every time we make a decision to sin we are, technically, messing with God's people. So then, what do we deserve? Honestly, to die. To be punished eternally for our sins. Because God is just and He judges fairly.
However, (don't you love that word?) however, we are also dealing with a God of mercy and grace. In His unmatched mercy He doesn't give us what we deserve; death, but in His amazing grace He gives us what we don't deserve; life. One of the most humbling pictures of this love is shown to Moab in it's time of distress, and it comes from somewhere unexpected. After Moab's gods couldn't help them (because they were blocks of wood) the refugees turned to the people they had attacked and plundered for years. They turned for protection to a people who they had killed in battle and Israel willingly opened it's borders and offered to protect their enemies. The Moabites deserved the punishment that was coming to them. No one would have blamed Israel for turning them away. But instead they chose to become a flesh-and-blood example of God's love here on earth. They put aside their pride and stepped away from bitterness, they chose grace and mercy, they chose God. If God's heart is gracious and merciful then so should ours be. When opportunities arise to chose between holding on to a grudge or letting go and loving those who hurt you, ask God to let His heart beat through your heart. Let His Devine love overtake your heart and pour out into the relationships around you. Let His heart live in yours.
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