Saturday, October 26, 2013

Chapters of His Heart: Isaiah 3

If you read last Friday’s 'Chapters of His Heart' entry you know that Isaiah spoke of a purging that would come to the land of Judah. The Israelites had turned from God, and because His heart is jealous, they would have to be punished for their disobedience.

Chapter three of Isaiah follows up the prophesy of purging, with the ‘how’s’ and ‘when’s’ of the Israelite's punishment, and there’s some pretty intense stuff in there. Isaiah says God will strip away everything that the people depended on or cared about. From food and water to soldiers and heroes and national leaders. Judah had slid into a place of blatant sin. (I say ‘slid’ because open, blatant sin usually starts with something we view as harmless and safe. Before you know it things just snowball into very harmful and very dangerous, blatant sin.)They had reached a point where they weren’t concerned with keeping their sins secret. They weren’t trying to hide their lives of sin, they were living them openly. The elders and rulers had become so corrupt that they were stealing from the people. God said because of that they would stumble and fall. He was coming to judge them and it wasn’t going to be pretty.

God speaks of the women of Judah very harshly. They had become consumed with their own beauty, dressing and acting in ways to impress and seduce others, cheapening the body that the Lord made to be pure and honorable. You had better believe He wasn’t happy about it. God vowed to strip them of EVERY article of their vanity. Jewelry, hair, health, skin, clothes, purses (yes ladies even the precious handbags), accessories, mirrors, their husbands, and “the men of their city”. He even said that their bodies will stink! I know this may sound harsh coming from someone with the title ‘God of Mercy’. But understand that women flaunting their bodies as items to possess, is the ultimate slap in the face of the creator of beauty as a pure sign of His craftsmanship. God is merciful but God is also just.

My favorite part of this chapter is a two sentence verse hidden in the middle. Tucked away between the prophesies of God’s judgement and wrath being poured out on the ungodly, is one verse that goes against the current. Verse ten says, “Tell the godly that all will be well for them. They will enjoy the rich reward they have earned!” I love that! In the middle of all the judgement He’s displaying, God stops and reassures those faithful to Him that He sees their faithfulness. That they shouldn’t weary because He will reward them and their reward will be great!

Have you connected any lines between the people of Judah and the people of our present culture? Judah’s women were not the only women in history to show off their figures as objects. Just like the godly people of Judah were not the only ones to need a reminder that God sees their faithfulness. Keep in mind that God doesn’t change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The things that grieved God in the past still grieve Him today, just as the things that pleased His heart then still please Him now. If you have fallen into the self image trap of our culture, take into account the women of Judah and learn from their mistakes. That lifestyle may seem glamorous but the gratification it offers is shallow and short-lived. Maybe you fall into the other category, and you need a reminder that God sees your faithfulness. Listen up because this is it! These are God’s words exactly, “Tell the godly that all will be well for them. They will enjoy the rich reward they have earned!”. Be encouraged by God’s reminder today, take heart, He sees your faithful life and you will receive your reward. God’s heart is unchanging.

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